1-Way Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA)

The ANOVA makes a general statement about whether or not there are significant differences between the data groups. Once the result is positive (p < 0.05), you need to employ additional tests to find out which of the multiple comparisons that are possible for your data set are significant. So-called posthoc tests perform multiple comparisons of a set of several data groups.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.xltoolbox.net/anova.html

Is there a way to use the 1-way ANOVA within an Excel-cell?
I just need the p-value as output.

I have a data set with 3000 lines and each line (7 groups, 9 data point per group) needs an ANOVA test?

Is there a way to use access ANOVA per VBA?

Yes, there is, or rather: was.

In the ‘legacy’ versions, I had a UDF (user-defined function) =panova(groups; values) to accomplish this. You can of course install version 6.70 and ignore the suggestions to update to the NG series (version 7).

You need to be aware though that UDFs don’t transfer well to other locations. So, if you want to send your file to someone else, the UDF likely won’t work even if the other person has the Toolbox installed as well. That’s why I never really advertised the function so much. But I used it myself for situations just like yours.

I could easily make it available in the API, but give me a couple of days… Then you can write your own UDF and continue to use the version 7 series.

Actually, it occurred to me that I never removed the UDF from the legacy add-in. So you can just continue to use it with the current version 7 series!

Be aware though that it might be rather slow on 3000 iterations…