Hello Everyone,
I exported Excel charts as TIF to be used for a scientific publication.
This specific journal allows the upload of charts as either TIF or alternatively as PDF. Following the upload of files a PDF document is automatically generated for revision.
I would like to note, that this Journal cannot handle the TIF format the plugin creates (“Our apologies, but the file failed to convert to the appropriate pdf and/or html file for reviews”) . So I had to convert the TIF to a PDF for upload. But then another problem occured IrfanView was not able to open the TIF file (“Invalid or unsupported TIF file.”). Windows Paint and Paint.NET were able to handle the TIF file, so i was able to convert it to PDF and upload it.
I wonder, if there is anything special about the TIF format the Toolbox is generating and if there is anything I can do about it, maybe there are some settings…
The Toolbox is still a great piece of work.