Problem exporting figures for publication

It gives me the following error: "Freeimage DLL is not available"
How can I solve this?
Thank you

What system are you using?

Is it 64-bit Windows with 64-bit Excel by any chance? There have been problems with these setups in the past.

When you click on “About” to show information about the XL Toolbox, you can see technical information about your setup. What does it say?


You are right, I’m using Windows 7 64-bit and Office 2013.
The information that appears in “About” window is the following:
Running in 64-bit mode: yes
VBA7: yes
FreeImage library: not available
XL Toolbox DLL: not available

I have the same setup and the same problem. Has this issue already been solved?

I think I’ve finally fixed it, but will need a couple of days to make the fix ready for release. Please stay tuned.


Hi there Daniel,

I just installed your latest update today, and as soon as I start up Excel, it gives: Compile error: User-defined type not defined. I also get this same message when I try to export figures for publication. The following piece of code is highlighted in the debugger (I don’t know if this is helpful…):

Private Declare Function SetDIBitsToDevice Lib “gdi32.dll” ( _
ByVal hDC As Long, _
ByVal x As Long, _
ByVal y As Long, _
ByVal dx As Long, _
ByVal dy As Long, _
ByVal srcx As Long, _
ByVal srcy As Long, _
ByVal Scan As Long, _
ByVal NumScans As Long, _
ByVal Bits As LongPtr, _
ByVal BitsInfo As LongPtr, _
ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long

Your help is gratefully appreciated - I use the toolbox all the time and it’s brilliant.



I am having a similar problem.
I’m using XLToolbox V 6.10.

My “System Info” Tab Says:

Running in 64-bit mode: yes
VBA7: yes
FreeImage Library: not available
XL Toolbox DLL: available(version 0.2)

I’m trying to export a image for publication and am getting an error:

“The FreeImage DLL is not available. Please reinstall the XL Toolbox …”

I checked the location that the XLToolbox is saved in and the FreeImage Library appears in that folder in the forms:


The FreeImage.dll, FreeImage.h, FreeImage.lib all appear in my Windows/System32 and SysWOW64 folders.
Any help getting this export feature to work would be greatly appreciated!



over the past couple of weeks I have received several reports about this problem – again. I thought I had fixed it once and for all. I was successful at least in the way that I never got this error again on my machines; so far I have tested the Toolbox with Windows XP 32-bit/Office 2010 32-bit and Windows 8 64-bit/Office 32-bit and 64-bit. The problem is very annoying. I am implementing a function to provide further technical details to me when the error occurs to help me hunt the bug.

From the information you gave it is pretty clear that all files have been installed correctly. The Toolbox can find its own DLL which means the 32-bit/64-bit thing works. So why does it not detect the presence of the freeimage-64.dll? Maybe the other FreeImage DLLs are somehow interfering. Could you please tell me what other software you have that has installed the FreeImage.dll, *.h, and .lib files? I could then try to mimick the situation. If you feel adventurous, you may want to copy the freeimage-64.dll file into the system32 folder (not SysWOW64, that is for 32-bit files despite the name) and see if the Toolbox now detects the file correctly.

Kind regards


— Begin quote from “gbathome”

Hi there Daniel,

I just installed your latest update today, and as soon as I start up Excel, it gives: Compile error: User-defined type not defined. I also get this same message when I try to export figures for publication. The following piece of code is highlighted in the debugger (I don’t know if this is helpful…):

— End quote


I just realize I never responded to your post. Are you still experiencing the error “user-defined type not defined” with the latest version of the Toolbox?

Kind regards



I changed the way DLLs are loaded (primarily in order to solve Maybe it fixes the “freeimage.dll not found” error as well. If you would like to try it, you can get it at Please let me know if it works for you now.


I’ve release developmental versions of the rewritten add-in with working graphic export – hopefully it solves all export problems people have experienced with the old versions: